Massey-ferguson engine base kit base engine kit: includes standard pistons w/rings model engine(s).
Catalog Number: MF5949
Base Engine Kit: Includes standard pistons w/rings, sleeves, complete gasket set with front and rear crank seals (Lip and Rope) and connecting rod bushings. Rod or main bearings can be added separately. Please indicate the rod and main bearing sizes required when adding to Base Engine Kit. Base engine kit for diesel applications.
Part Reference Numbers: 3637428M91;U5MK0034
Fits Models: 165; 30 LOADER; 300; 302 INDUST/CONST; 304 INDUST/CONST; 3165 INDUST/CONST; 356 INDUST/CONST; 40B INDUST/CONST; 50 LOADER; 65; AD4.203 DIESEL ENG Price:
$596.58 each